Do Not Panic The Pixies (Wondermere #3) by Michelle Robinson

My review

5/5 stars

With the third installment of this series, I and my son found our favourite.

Grace was put into a competition with several other knights and was determined to beat them all. She soon learned that that was going to be harder than she thought and resorted to dirty tricks to get her way. Obviously, it didn't work out for her and she ended up figuring out a better, fairer way of handling herself.

I particularly enjoyed the character of Mondo Colossa. She was funny, friendly, competitive and a great lesson for kids in how someone who appears confident may be feeling anything but underneath.

The pace of this story not only kept my son wanting to read more, but also kept me reading for much longer than I should at bedtime. It was a fun plot filled with valubale lessons for young children. His closing remarks were "that was a really good book Mummy" - high praise indeed from my 5 year old.

Book blurb

Watch out, WONDERMERE – QUESTIVAL IS HERE! It's time for a FANTASTICALLY FUN weekend of camping and competing in quests. The big question is: who will get the prized GOLDEN PLUME? Giant Mondo Colossa looks hard to beat. Even the pixies are singing her praises and they ALMOST ALWAYS predict the winner.

But that's COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY FINE. After all, winning isn't everything. Unless your name is Princess Grace …


You can buy the book here now. It was published by Bloomsbury Children's Books.

For more on the author, you can visit her website, follow her on Instagram, or check out her Goodreads page.