Reluctant Adult by Katie Kirby (Hurrah For Gin)

My review

3/5 stars

The author of this book writes about the foibles of modern life as a perpetually overwhelmed woman. I really related to the term perpetually overwhelmed so figured I had nothing to lose in giving this book a go.

The tone of the book was generally funny, light and welcoming, feeling much like a chat with an old friend that allowed both parties to put the world to rights. There was a lot that I related to in the content, and quite a bit that made me laugh. There were, however, bits that didn't quite hit the mark for me or that I just didn't engage with.

The illustrations scattered throughout were a lovely addition and helped maintain the general feel of the book.

Book blurb

Perpetually overwhelmed? Welcome to the new book from Katie Kirby, creator of the bestselling Hurrah for Gin

Do you overthink everything?
Do you struggle to say no to people?
Are you paying membership for a gym you never go to?
Do group chat politics make you want to throw your phone under a bus?
Are you overjoyed when people cancel plans so that you can sit at home in your pyjama bottoms eating Coco pops for dinner?

If so then this book is for you!

We spend our childhoods wanting to a be adults and, when we get there, find ourselves lost under a pile of life admin, half completed to do lists and anti-ageing face creams that promise to make you look as good as Natalie Imbruglia.

In her new book, Hurrah for Gin pinpoints with painful precision just how overwhelming life can be when you're all grown up. From the worry spiral that keeps you up at 3AM, to maintaining a professional aura when you can't stand other people - this is for everyone struggling to stay afloat.

Honest, relatable, funny and containing no useful advice whatsoever, take comfort in the knowledge that it's not just you, we're all as f*cked as each other.


You can buy the book here now. It was published by Coronet.

For more on the author, you can head to her website, follow her on Instagram, or check out her Goodreads page.