The BFG by Roald Dahl

My review

4/5 stars

I am familiar with The BFG as a story, of course I am because there are very few people in the Western world who aren't, but (don't come for me) I don't think I remember actually reading the book as a child.

The act of reading the story aloud to my boy was very enjoyable. He was very engaged with the plot (the presence of the Queen definitely helped here) and kept asking questions about what was happening.  I was bought in because of the fact that I was reading all of the jumbled, made-up words. The focus required to read those words smoothly, as part of a story-telling experience, was real, and I appreciated the fact that I was unable to get distracted from what was happening on the pages.

Sophie was a lovable heroine, striking the right level of determination and charm so that she came across as brave instead of arrogant. She is a great example for the children reading her story. She was perfectly matched with The BFG's kindness and enthusiasm. He was so gentle and joyful that he was exactly the right thing to soften the edges of what could have been a truly terrifying story. The idea of nine child-eating giants is enough to give any child nightmares, but the juxtaposition of the softer BFG provided balance and dulled the terror into concern.

A deeply delightful read that has left a lasting impression on both me and my son for different reasons.

Book blurb

One dark, silvery moonlit night, Sophie is snatched from her bed by a giant!

Luckily it is the Big Friendly Giant (the BFG), who is no ordinary bone-crunching giant, but instead prefers snozzcumbers and frobscottle to children.

But there are other giants in Giant Country. And those giants have a plan to gallop far and wide to find some tasty human beans to eat.

Can Sophie and the BFG stop them?


You can buy the book here now. It's published by Puffin.

For more on the author, you can head to his website, or check out his Goodreads page.