The Little Book of Calm for New Mums by Anna Mathur

My review

5/5 stars

I've yet to find something by Anna Mathur that I don't absolutely love. Her words are spoken/written to well and are honest, vulnerable and gentle. This book is no different.

What I enjoyed most about this offering is the format. It's not a typical, read from start-to-finish book, it's something you can pick up and put down whenever you need it, as each emotion is sectioned off with helpful tips and thoughts. It's ideal for all mums out there, who just need a quick pick-me-up in times of difficulty.

This book is marketed at new mums, and it is a great present for a new mum FYI, but I'm a mum of two and have been parenting for almost 5 years now but I still found the book incredibly useful and relatable. This could be gifted to any mum for a shot of support.

There is a mix of tones throughout the book depending on the emotion being tackled. Some of the emotions have tips and anecdotes from the author, others have guidance from the author on how to sit with the feeling and get through the moment. Both are useful and much needed in tough parenting moments.

As a parting thought, this is the ideal size for carrying around in a handbag or changing bag, being slightly smaller than your average book, so it's possible to always have it handy for challenging parts of the day, no matter where you are.

Book blurb

The Little Book of Calm for New Mums will share advice and support on issues that new mothers face, from A for Anger, to I for Insomnia, providing an empowering pep talk for those days when new mothers need it most.

Psychotherapist and mother of three, Anna Mathur, will support readers through the rollercoaster of feelings that come with being a new mum and provide expert advice based on her own professional and personal experiences. Whether you need some quick grounding, a note of compassion, or you want to untangle a feeling, flick to a page for a quick, uplifting moment of much-needed support.

There are quick takeaway mantras and action tips for those tight on time, and further reading should you want to explore topics more deeply. This comprehensive A-Z covers everything from baby blues and anxiety to guilt, insomnia, stress, your inner critic and maintaining friendships.


You can buy the book here now. It was published by Penguin Life.

For more info on the author, you can check out her website, follow her on Instagram or take a look at her Goodreads page.