The Party Crasher by Sophie Kinsella

My review

5/5 stars

I polished off this corker of a book in less than 12 hours, around looking after kids, so if that doesn't tell you that I enjoyed it, I don't know what will.

Effie was a beautifully human character, in the sense that she was struggling with something that most people would struggle with, but she was also quite annoying at times. She went on a well-written journey of growth throughout the story, though I will admit that it felt slightly rushed at the end. I warmed to her quickly and wasn't put off by her stubbornness, which is a sign of good writing.

Another sign of good writing is the pacing. Most of the story is set during one weekend; this plot device can sometimes make a story feel a little slow, but the author did a great job holding interest with various intrigues and using the house almost as it's own character.

Characterisation as a whole was strong. My favourite part was that everyone had their own issues to deal with, and no one was purely good or purely bad. Everyone made mistakes and had something to learn, and everyone did a good deed that earned them some credit with the reader. I enjoyed everyone in their own right, but was particularly impressed with Bean and Krista as counter-balances to Effie's main energy.

The undercurrent of romance running throughout the story was lovely, but I really appreciated that the focus was kept squarely on the family and how they resolved their differences to solidify as a unit or not.

Another brilliant book from Sophie Kinsella. I've yet to find one I haven't enjoyed.

Book blurb

Effie's still not over her parents splitting up a year ago and her dad and his new girlfriend are posting photos everywhere (with the hashtags #viagraworks and #sexinyoursixties). Now they're selling the beloved family home and holding a 'house-cooling' party, but Effie hasn't been invited.

Then she remembers her precious Russian dolls, safely tucked away up a chimney, and has no choice but to go back for them. She'll just creep in, grab the dolls and leave. No one will know she was ever there.

But Effie can't find the dolls. And as she secretly clambers around dusty attics, hides under tables and tries (and fails) to avoid bumping into her ex-boyfriend, she discovers unexpected truths about her family - and even about herself.

With time running out, Effie starts to wonder if the only way to find out what's really going on with her family is to simply crash the party...


You can buy the book here now. It was published by Bantam Press.

For more on the author, you can check out her website, follow her on Instagram or head to her Goodreads page.