Enemies To Lovers by Laura Jane Williams

Book Review Aug 21, 2024

My review

4/5 stars

Flo is in recovery from an anxious breakdown and off on holiday with her family. When she gets there she realises her brother's best friend has been invited as well - they have history so it makes her holiday awkward right from the start.

The back-and-forth energy between Flo and Jamie is fun to read and provides many moments of hilarity throughout the book, but I would hesitate to say this is a true enemies to lovers book (in spite of the name). Their relationship largely hinges on a lack of communication rather than anything that would make them enemies.

I enjoyed the family dynamics at play - it felt good to see an adult family who enjoy spending time together and actually know each other well. So often, the order of the day is family drama and tension, so I always find it refreshing to see positive family relationships portrayed, even if there is the normal and natural underlying friction to deal with.

I also particularly appreciated the portrayal of mental health. The author's attitude to and understanding of anxiety felt like a warm hug. She tackled the situation with care and warmth, while never making it the main focus of the story. Showing the impact on the whole family was also a lovely touch.

All in all, I found this book to be warm, engaging and fun. A perfect summer read that entertains and doesn't take itself too seriously.

*I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Book blurb

Flo Greenberg: highly strung. Over-achiever. And desperate for a relaxing Greek holiday with her family.

Jamie Kramer: her brother's best friend. Pain in the arse. And somehow on Flo’s relaxing Greek holiday too…

With two surprise weeks of sharing meals, boat trips and sun-loungers, Flo must endure the company of this irksomely chiselled Lothario. But after what happened last year, she’s determined not to let him get the better of her.

In fact, spending time with the enemy will be the perfect cure for Flo's all-consuming anger towards Jamie, right?

(Spoiler alert: wrong…!)


You can buy the book here now. It was published by Penguin.

For more on the author, you can head to her website, follow her on Instagram, or check out her Goodreads page.
