Make Time by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

Book Review Sep 13, 2024

My review

3/5 stars

I'm all about productivity tips at the moment, and trying to make more time for the things that are really important, so when I saw this book recommended by someone I was already following on the subject, it seemed like a no brainer.

Both authors have previously worked at Google, and share the many hacks they have utilised to find more time in their days and keep themselves focused on the truly important things. The information they shared was based on the same principles that are shared in a lot of books of this nature, but the implementation of those principles felt fresh and gave a new perspective on the subject. I hesitated with quite a few of them in spite of this, as they just felt quite extreme in the modern world - I get what they were aiming for but it just wasn't for me.

What I did enjoy and connect to was the idea of creating a daily highlight to help keep you on track. You identify one thing a day that takes 60-90 minutes to achieve and moves the needle in one of the key areas of your life. It feels like a solid way of achieving some meaningful deep focus time without putting too much pressure on your day.

The writing style was also very engaging. The two authors had a good back and forth that kept the book's tone very firmly in the light and conversational space, in spite of it's serious and intentional content. Everything felt accessible and achievable.

I haven't rated this higher because I only really related to one of the suggestions, but it was a nice little read.

Book blurb

Most of our time is spent by default. We all wish for more hours in the day. We all struggle to make time for what matters. Help is here.

Productivity experts Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky have created a four-step framework that anyone can use, packed with more than 80 tactics to help you design your day around the things that matter. Tactics such as:

· Choose a daily highlight
· Be the boss of your phone
· Stay out of social media infinity pools
· Slow your inbox
· Make TV a 'sometimes treat'
· Exercise every day (but don't be a hero)
· Eat without screens
· Go off grid
· Spend time with your tribe
· Make your bedroom a bed room

With tips and tricks to help you change your life, it's time to stop daydreaming about projects and activities that you'll get to 'someday', and start that someday today.


You can buy the book here now. It was published by Bantam Press.

For more on the authors, you can head to their website.
