The Tw*t Files by Dawn French

Book Review May 06, 2024

My review

2/5 stars

I find Dawn French quite funny in interviews, so the idea of her writing a book filled with all her most embarrassing moments is surely a winner of a book. Combined with the fact that she's shared these stories in the hope of helping people get more comfortable with their mistakes (of which I make many) made me really want to read this.

Sadly, I found myself disappointed. The stories were indeed funny, but she had actually shared all the funniest ones in the press tour she did for the release of the book, so I'd heard them all before I read the book. What was left was a bit dull in comparison.

The structure didn't really work for me either. I understand that it was essentially a collection of short stories, but I couldn't find a reading flow that worked and ended up skimming over chunks of it.

I did take away the main message that we should all embrace our inner twat, and am grateful that someone with her profile is sharing all her humanness in such an open and heartwarming way.

Book blurb

When I was younger I wanted to be an interesting, sophisticated, semi-heroic, multi-layered person. But being an actual twat is much more the real me.

In The Twat Files I will tell you about all the times I've been a total and utter twat. The moments where I've misunderstood stuff and messed up. In my life these have been key because mistakes tell us about ourselves and others. They are hilarious and expose our flaws. They are gloriously human.

My hope is that these stories remind you of just what a massive twat you also are . . .


You can buy the book here now. It was published by Penguin.

For more on the author, you can head to her website, follow her on Instagram, or check out her Goodreads page.
